When I was younger (say, about a year ago) I would say that I wouldn't be an adult until I wore my own perfume and owned pearls.
Both of those things have come to pass, though I never wear the pearls because they look awful on me without a LBD, so there you go.
When I was in the states for Christmas, I had ordered two bottles of my favorite oils from my sample set. Then, I left them in the states on accident.
This time, I ordered the following: (all images taken from The Morbid The Merrier Etsy shop)
The LUST Trio - Set of all 3 Valentine's Day Scents

Histoire du Professeur - leather arm chair, starched white cotton shirt, dusty books, a memory of sweet pipe smoke and a faint whiff of brandy kept hidden in a desk drawer.
**(I'm most excited for this one)

Histoire du Secretaire - mile-high leather pumps, skin tight wool pencil skirt, stacks of filing paper, steaming black coffee, a mahogany desk and a hint of musky perfume.

Histoire des Amoureaux - A little Eden, a little de Sade. leather, juicy red apple, a serpent slither of pepper and spice, green grass, and sweat.
Tupping liberty, I cannot wait for these. If there are two things I like, it's books and sex. I like other stuff too, of course. But really.
Can't say I'm all that excited about the label design. I do like the Secretaire one, it reminds me well of the Pulp novel covers that my dad likes (he's got a calendar, several framed prints, etc). They all seem alright in their own way, I guess I was hoping for some design unification across the set. Well, it is the scent that matters after all.
Absinthe isn't really my favorite scent, but it is attractive.
And finally...

Spicy, dark, and seductive. A heavy base of tobacco, smoke, pepper and wood, rounded out by just a touch of sweet. A deep, masculine scent - to be worn only by the ones our mothers warned us about.
I was sold by the description. When my sample arrived, I nearly keeled over by my love for this scent. When I smell certain scents, I want to follow them to their source and smell them forever, across parks or sidewalks or crowded rooms. This is absolutely one of those scents (the others are secret).
Now to wait impatiently for the post.