I was turned into a P&P fan by my boyfriend's mother, during one winter I spent in her home. She and I sat and watched the 4 hour mini-series together, and I was hooked! I talk a little bit too much about P&P now, I'm sure most people are sick to death of hearing about it!
Pride and Prejudice is one of those Romance stories that makes you feel all romantic and fuzzy down to your toes. And not just because of the oh-so-swoon-worthy
Mister Darcy, but because of the gorgeous clothes and hairstyles worn by the actresses. Take a look:

★ The Bennett sisters skip across the screen in beautiful gowns and an ever-changing mix of coats, capes, shawls, and bonnets. The main issue here is the spotless white of their dresses... how hard would that be to keep clean? I suppose they have servants and all, but still... The do look comfortable though. And the coats and little torso-jackets look very smart:

★ Then there are the
fancy dresses and the

Jennifer Ehle as Eliza rocks out the cupid-bow lips and dark curls like none else. As has been pointed out to me during my various attempts to dress up Austen-style, "She has a small army of movie stylists to help her!"
Yes, true, but making curls with your fingers can still work out just fine. Plus, we modern girls have lovely hair binders and other 20th century notions to help us put our hair up and fake having the perfect Austen-'do.
★ Last, but certainly not least, is the actual romance!

As I'm writing this, I've just finished disc 1 of the mini-series. For those of you keeping score at home, Elizabeth has just had her big emotional and toe-curling confrontation with Darcy, giving him what-for for being such and meddling jerk, as well as acting ungentlemanly. Tonight I'll be brewing up a big mug of super-rich hot chocolate and burrowing into the last 2 hours.
Let's bring apples for our teachers!
Elephants Away!