This week was very cold~ it went down to -40 windchill, during the day! Life on the prairie, I tell you.
★ Daytime: I braved the walk! My eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair frosted over and stuck.

★ Nighttime: I couldn't leave school that night until late... it was still so cold.

What do you do, college student? Do you beg a ride, stick out your thumb, brave it out, or just stay home? I had two nice people stop and give me a ride off the street, but you can do that in a small town like this. And it seems like no matter how bundled you are, bits of your tender skin will stick out and freeze.
Thusly, I cannot live without the following:
★ Burt's Bees Beeswax Lip Balm

★ Burt's Shea Butter Hand Repair Creme

Burt's products are pricey but worth it, Burt's Bees are fun and cheaper and so delicious.
★ Happy Groundhog's Day!
The whole of February is ahead of us... that means Seasonal Affective Disorder, which means people are SAD and glum under the gray skies. But look ahead to the TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE!!!!
That's right, on February 20th, starting at 7:43 pm, the moon will begin to eclipse! It will be visible in North America and some other parts of the world, check the NASA Eclipse Site for more info.
Elephants Away!
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