For the "Looking Good For Jesus" brand Coin-Purse, the ad reads as follows:
"Even Jesus saves. He'll oogle if you're frugal, my child. $3.99"
I am so very happy that my coins will soon be jingling about in the holiest of holy-cow coin-purses. This is just what I needed to save my soul.
Should you wish to Look Good For Jesus in other areas of your life, please enjoy the following:

Looking Good For Jesus Bubble-Bath: Follow in his footsteps.
Take the plunge with a soak in everlasting Citrus and Juniper suds that make you feel like you're walking on water. $11.99.

Looking Good For Jesus Mirror Compact: Please him - for christ's sake - and look your Sunday best. Remember, he sees all! Even your smudgy mascara. $4.99.

Looking Good For Jesus Lip Balm: Returns lips to near virgin quality. Virtuous vanilla flavor protects and preserves. SPF 18. $5.99.

Looking Good For Jesus Shopper: Look your Sunday best and shop till you drop with this King-sized shopper. $11.99. This is classy as hell! I want one!
And the King Product,

Looking Good For Jesus Mini Kit: Redeems you in his eyes and takes the edge off sinning. Contains mirrored Jesus statuette, vanilla nectar lip balm, Easter-Lily hand & body cream (with sparkle!) and a folding mirror compact. $19.99.

Elephants Away!
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